Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 6th Jan. 2005

PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.R.Newbolt-Young (Vice), Mr S. Booty, Mr. Morley, Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr. Pascoe, Mr.S.Tame and Mrs. Tempest


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Mr.S.Barker, District Councillor Mr.M.Jeffrey,

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper. (01548 854478)

2680 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th November 2004 were signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.




(a) Widecombe Fair: The new Terms and Conditions were agreed and signed by Mrs A.Raymond who also paid a £200 deposit for the 2005 Fair Day franchise.

There was a general discussion between members and Mr and Mrs Raymond on how to improve the provision for the day. Topics discussed were; the improved toilet facilities, noise from the organ, traffic flow through the village, the new Terms and Conditions, deposit and the increase in costs due to policing policy.

They were thanked by the Chairman for travelling from Truro to attend the meeting.

(b) Costs of Policing the Fair Day: a reply from the County Solicitor, Roger Gash indicated that the Chief Inspector Stevens is able to impose a charge for special police service under the Police Act 1996 section 25 (copy available) if such provision of police cannot be met from resources available without the assistance of officers who would otherwise either be on duty elsewhere or off duty.

(c) Risk Assessment; a letter of reply from PGC Systems Ltd was received. This indicated that the task of making a risk assessment for the Council would take between 2 – 3 days and cost approximately £350.

Cllr. Barker suggested that the Clerk contacted the Health and Safety Dept. at the District council for help/advice.

(d) Church House Hiring Agreement: all Councillors supplied with a copy of same.


(a) Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman.

(b) Grant of Planning for: Uphill House, Foxworthy, Moorleigh, Lake Farm, Tunhill, Great Cator and Leusdon Memorial Hall disabled access.

(c) Refusal of Planning: for Taperells Cottage, Townwood, Poundsgate.

(d) Glebe House: correspondence on proposed replacement windows.

(e) Amendment of plans for Higher Northway and also Uphill House.

(f) The Council registered ‘No Objection’ for the following applications:

0966/7 Old Langworthy Farm rear single storey extension, 1003/04 two storey extension at Pitt Park, Northway Farm replacement roof, restoration of barn at Great Cator and Moorbrook Cottage refurbishment and conservatory extension.


(a) TDC: Agendas and Minutes, Christmas Tree composting, T.A.L.C., Freemasonry Registering of Interests, Statement of Community Involvement and Tree Warden.

(b) DNPA: Minutes and Agendas for o7.01.05, News Release/Community News, Dartmoor Visitor and DNPA Local Plan (Adopted Version).

(c) DCC: Monthly News Round-up, Rights of Way Improvement Plan, Self Help Emergency Planning and S.L.C.C. envelope.

(d) Various other Magazines/Documents placed for circulation to councillors.


(a) Highway Maintenance correspondence/report: Mr.Nosworthy reported on the half day spent with Mr.Bob Jones inspecting the road network in the Parish. He felt very frustrated by the lack of satisfactory progress in lodging responsibility for the lower standards currently existing on all aspects of road repair and maintenance.

Mr. Jones reported this meeting in his letter to the Council and sent a copy to Mr.Barker who joined the general discussion on ways of tackling solutions to the current problems.

A further communication (E-mail) from Mr. Jones on the recent closure of Newbridge was read to the Council.

Although Councillors understood the explanations given they remained unhappy about the lower standards currently experienced.

Mr.Barker intends raising the matter at DCC level and asked that the matter be left with him for the time being.

The Council has been requested to help in getting messages through to land owners/farmers that much of the problem arises from the lack of care with the hedge trimmings and blocked water courses.


(a) Cllr. Tempest reported on a meeting held at the South Dartmoor Community College. The major issue related to a current over-spend and the consequential changes to various courses offered to the public. There has reportedly been a 10% reduction in grant income.


(a) Mr. Newbolt-Young reported planning permission is still being sought by NTL for an extension to the Tetra mast at Blackslade Farm – it would appear that the battle to preserve environmental matters continues.

(b) It has been incorrectly reported that the Parish Council has complained about extra hours drinking at the two village public houses. The Clerk confirmed that he has never corresponded on this matter.

(c) Mr. Pascoe reported that the oak tree trunk seats are now in place and in use in the car park. He was thanked for attending to the matter.

(d) Grass keep: as there has been a number of interested inquiries about the grass keep of the Parish Field. The matter of advertising the keep will be dealt with at the next meeting.

(e) Annual Parish Meeting: it was decided to hold the APM at 7.30 pm on:Wednesday 23rd March 2005


(a) Balance Carried forward £7,016

(b) Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for November £276.97

(c) ditto December £226.22

(d) Mr.Partridge: strimming village grass etc £75.00

(e) The Harbour Book Shop ‘Council Administration’ £50.00

(f) 2005/06 Precept: after considering the interim financial report submitted by the Clerk it was decided to increase next year’s precept to £3,550

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00 pm.


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