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Wake up for the first time in a week without having to worry which church I’m supposed to be in or what I’m going to say. Make a start on clearing up study which looks like cross between a lost property office and waste paper skip, and then visit village hall book sale and art exhibition with long suffering husband who has almost forgotten what I look like. See wonderful painting with a doorway that looks almost like the empty tomb with light streaming towards it, but husband says we’ve already got too many pictures still waiting to be hung on the wall. Have to admit that he’s right so come home empty handed. However, all is not lost. The Easter spirit seems to have worked wonders as we finally manage to agree about where to put the nails, and after a joint effort end up with most of our motley collection of pictures actually hanging on the walls. Vaguely wonder if husband will now agree to new addition, but as he remains uncommitted, I retire to the garden instead where all sorts of things are also rapidly springing into new life and need to be rescued from the weeds.


Another sign of new life as curate colleague returns to Widecome after two major operations and nine months in hospital. Encouraged to find that although he’s a bit wobbly on his feet, his sense of humour and love of convoluted conversation is still as profound and eclectic as ever, bless him.

Welcome home Michael, we’ve missed you!


What is supposed to be a quiet week after Easter, turns out to be even busier than usual, with funeral visits, confirmation classes, extra Communion services and wedding preparation. Reminds me of Four weddings and a funeral, only in reverse. However, notice a definite sea-change in attitude so cope reasonably well – probably means that someone somewhere is praying very hard.


Hurry home from wedding rehearsal to chair Annual Church Meeting. Not sure whether teeth chattering is due to fact that boiler has decided to abstain from participation, or is the effect of having to deal with searching questions from the floor. When quizzed about charitable giving, can at least assure them that the Easter Offering no longer goes into the pockets of the clergy as was once the custom.


Host third of the prayer breakfasts leading up to Ascension. Delighted to be able to fit 15 including husband into sitting room for meditation.


Beautiful day for Team Communion at Huccaby – an occasion for letting go and letting God. A reminder that surprise is part of the creative power of the Holy Spirit. Worship is enhanced by the jubilant noises of the electric organ, which is so delighted to be brought out of relegation having been declared unfit, that it decides to improvise at various points of the liturgy in addition to accompanying the hymns. What with that and the dandelions, I hope a joyful time was had by all.


Manage one day off – well “one out of three ain’t bad” as Meatloaf used to say. Don’t feel guilty about sleeping late and when I do come downstairs, take great pleasure in the painting of the ‘empty tomb’ doorway bathed in light which now hangs proudly in my hall thanks to the totally undeserved generosity of an anonymous friend.

Thank you, and bless you for such an unexpected ‘Easter Offering’ !

Copyright © 2006 Corynne Cooper.

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